Ted Cruz to visit 2016 PLC

Ted Cruz to Speak at2016 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference

 (Harrisburg, PA) – The Presidential campaign will come to the Keystone State when U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) addresses the 2016 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference. The conference will be held April 1-2, 2016 at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), PA.  Registration for the conference is now open at www.paleadershipconference.org.

Also announced as speakers for the conference are Fox News Channel (FNC) senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, Stephen Moore of Fox News, former U.S. Senator Jim DeMint, President of the Heritage Foundation; State Senator Scott Wagner; Daniel Garza of the LIBRE Initiative; Congressman Mike Kelly; John Gizzi of Newsmax and Jeff Lord of the American Spectator and CNN.  There will also be four interactive panel presentations and three workshop sessions.

The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is the premiere gathering of public policy conservatives each year in the Keystone State.  It is the largest and longest-running of the state-based conservative conferences regularly attracting a long list of conservative elected officials, scholars, journalists and activists for two days of speeches, panel presentations, workshops and networking.

In addition to Senator Cruz, invitations to speak to the 2016 Pennsylvania Leadership Conferencehave been extended to the remaining candidates for the Republican Presidential nomination: Mr. Donald Trump, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

In 2012, Ted Cruz was elected as the 34th U.S. Senator from Texas. A passionate fighter for limited government, economic growth, and the Constitution, Ted won a decisive victory in both the Republican primary and the general election, despite having never before been elected to office.

Before being elected to the U.S. Senate, Ted Cruz received national acclaim as the Solicitor General of Texas, the State’s chief lawyer before the U.S. Supreme Court. Serving under Attorney General Greg Abbott, Ted was the nation’s youngest Solicitor General, the longest serving Solicitor General in Texas, and the first Hispanic Solicitor General of Texas.

In private practice in Houston, Ted spent five years as a partner at one of the nation’s largest law firms, where he led the firm’s U.S. Supreme Court and national Appellate Litigation practice.

Ted has authored more than 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and argued 43 oral arguments, including nine before the U.S. Supreme Court. During Ted’s service as Solicitor General, Texas achieved an unprecedented series of landmark national victories.

Prior to becoming Solicitor General, he served as the Director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission, as Associate Deputy Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice, and as Domestic Policy Advisor on the 2000 Bush-Cheney campaign.

Ted graduated with honors from Princeton University and with high honors from Harvard Law School. He served as a law clerk to Chief Justice William Rehnquist on the U.S. Supreme Court. He was the first Hispanic ever to clerk for the Chief Justice of the United States.

Ted and his wife Heidi live in his hometown of Houston, Texas, with their two young daughters Caroline and Catherine.

The 2016 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference will feature four interactive panel presentations including Tax, Borrow & Spend: How Wolf’s Agenda Harms Pennsylvanians and Enriches Unions; Restoring the American Dream; All Politics Are Local and Litigating for Liberty.  There will be three workshop sessions including: Going Viral: Make Social Media Work for You; Faith of Our Founding Fathers; and, Campaigning Like It’s 2015, Not 1999.

Registration for the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is now open at www.paleadershipconference.org.



Early bird registration ends 03/16/2015


A reminder the Early Bird registration rate for the 2015 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference expires on Monday, March 16th.

Take advantage of the $5.00 Early bird discount by registering for the PLC today at www.paleadershipconference.org.

Enter “Early Bird” into the promo code block to receive your discount.



Sharyl Attkisson

Brent Bozell

Rick Santorum

Pat Toomey

Mike Turzai

Scott Wagner

John Gizzi

Ken Cuccinelli

Phelim McAleer

And many more, including five workshops and four panel presentations!

REGISTER TODAY at www.paleadershipconference.org


Phelim McAleer Producer of Gosnell to Speak at 2015 PA Leadership Conference

February 18, 2015

For Immediate Release

Contact: Lowman S. Henry

(717) 671-0776



Phelim McAleer Producer of Gosnell

to Speak at 2015 PA Leadership Conference


(Harrisburg, PA) – Phelim McAleer, producer of the film Gosnell about the horrific abortion clinic run by Philadelphia Dr. Kermit Gosnell, will talk about the movie during the annual Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held April 17-18 at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), PA.  He joins Sharyl Attkisson, author of the best-seller Stonewalled, U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, and Pennsylvania House Speaker Mike Turzai as announced speakers.


Production of the Gosnell film was funded by one of the most successful crowd funding campaigns in history.  Over 26,500 people funded the film by contributing $2.25 million in a 45 day campaign on Indiegogo.  The story is ripped from the headlines about a formerly respected doctor who ran a medical clinic in an impoverished Philadelphia neighborhood.  But behind the doors of his clinic Kermit Gosnell was also America’s most prolific serial killer.


McAleer and his wife, Ann McIlhinney, who spoke at the 2013 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference, also produced and directed FrackNation, a documentary on hydraulic fracturing and the natural gas boom in the U.S. and abroad.  He is also director and producer of Not Evil Just Wrong (2009) a feature documentary examining the consequences of global warming hysteria.


The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is the premier gathering of conservatives each year in the Keystone State.  It is the largest and longest-running of the state-based conservative conferences regularly attracting a long list of conservative elected officials, scholars, journalists and activists for two days of speeches, panel presentations, workshops and networking.


In addition to speakers, the 2015 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference will include four interactive panel presentations including:


There’s More to Life Than Taxes with PCNC-TV and KDKA-AM host Lenny McAllister as moderator and panelists Nate Benefield of the Commonwealth Foundation, Jake Haulk of the Allegheny Institute, Pavel Yakovlev from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and Joseph Henchman of the Tax Foundation.


Speed Bumps to Success with Gene Barr of the PA Chamber of Business & Industry as moderator and panelists Darlene Robbins of the NEPA Manufacturers & Employers, Erica Clayton-Wright of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, Otto Banks from the REACH Alliance and Tom Smith of the Indiana/Armstrong Patriots.


Rising Stars moderated by Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring, USA and featuring State Senator Pat Stefano (R-Fayette) State Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-Washington), State Representative Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York) and State Representative Michael Regan (R-Cumberland/York).


Trust But Verify: Keeping Campaign Promises with moderator David Madeira host of The David Madeira Show on 94.3FM The Talker in Scranton and panelists Beth Ann Mumford of Americans for Prosperity-PA, Leo Knepper from the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania and Gwen Alexander from ACTION of PA.


The 2015 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference will feature an expanded number of workshops and an exhibit area featuring over 40 conservative organizations from throughout the state.  Workshop details and additional speaker announcements will be made over the coming weeks.
Registration for the 2015 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is now open at www.paleadershipconference.org

Who will speak at 2015 PA Leadership Conference?


For Immediate Release

Contact: Lowman S. Henry

(717) 671-0776


PLC Panel Topics, Moderators, Panelists Announced

(Harrisburg, PA) – The 2015 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held April 17-18 at the Radisson Penn Harris Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), Pennsylvania will feature four interactive panel presentations entitled There’s More to Life Than Taxes, Speed Bumps to Success, Rising Stars, and Trust But Verify: Keeping Campaign Promises.

The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is the premier gathering of conservatives each year in the Keystone State.  It is the largest and longest-running of the state-based conservative conferences regularly attracting a long list of conservative elected officials, scholars, journalists and activists for two days of speeches, panel presentations, workshops and networking.
This year’s featured dinner speaker at the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is Sharyl Attkisson, author of the best-seller Stonewalled, about her fight to present honest information about the Obama Administration during her time as a CBS News correspondent.  U.S. Senator Pat Toomey is the scheduled conference kick-off speaker.

Panel moderators and panelists include:

There’s More to Life Than Taxes with PCNC-TV and KDKA-AM host Lenny McAllister as moderator and panelists Nate Benefield of the Commonwealth Foundation, Jake Haulk of the Allegheny Institute, Pavel Yakovlev from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and Joseph Henchman of the Tax Foundation.

Speed Bumps to Success with Gene Barr of the PA Chamber of Business & Industry as moderator and panelists Darlene Robbins of the NEPA Manufacturers & Employers, Erica Clayton-Wright of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, Otto Banks from the REACH Alliance and Tom Smith of the Indiana/Armstrong Patriots.

Rising Stars moderated by State Senator Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland) and featuring State Senator Pat Stefano (R-Fayette) State Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-Washington), State Representative Kristin Phillips-Hill (R-York) and State Representative Michael Regan (R-Cumberland/York).

Trust But Verify: Keeping Campaign Promises with moderator Jim Broussard of Citizens Against Higher Taxes and panelists Beth Ann Mumford of Americans for Prosperity-PA, Leo Knepper from the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania and Gwen Alexander from ACTION of PA.

In addition to speakers and panels the 2015 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference will feature an expanded number of workshops and an exhibit area featuring over 40 conservative organizations from throughout the state.
Registration for the 2015 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is now open at


2015 PLC featured Speaker, Sharyl Attkisson

Former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson has sued the Justice Department over the hacking of her computers, officially accusing the Obama administration of illegal surveillance while she was reporting on administration scandals.

In a series of legal filings that seek $35 million in damages, Attkisson alleges that three separate computer forensic exams showed that hackers used sophisticated methods to surreptitiously monitor her work between 2011 and 2013.

“I just think it’s important to send a message that people shouldn’t be victimized and throw up their hands and think there’s nothing they can do and they’re powerless,” Attkisson said (continue reading)


To register for the PA Leadership Conference go to http://www.paleadershipconference.org/




2014 PLC Leadership Luncheon with Michael Reagan

Stop looking for Ronald Reagan, not going to find one. Ronald Reagan was not looking for an Abraham Lincoln when he ran. Be thankful we had a Ronald Reagan in our lives. Go out and be a cheerleader for the greatest country the United States.


Advice from Michael Reagan: If you ever have a candidate, ask them why they are running. If they cannot answer why, don’t support them.


2014 PLC – Ken Backwell Family Reserach Council

Brief Notes from PLC –

Ken Blackwell, Family Research Council.  He wrote the book  RESURGENT: How Constitutional Conservatism Can Save American. “Ronald Reagan is back and this time he is black.”

Mother said there are three important books (not in order)

  1. Date book – how spend time and who with
  2. Checkbook – tells how you spend you money not matter how much or meager
  3. Good book keeps on path of conviction than than path of convenience

Dad added fourth book; although mother argued not a book – the constitution (We are all equal to the image God created us; your human rights are not a gift from government, but a gift from God.)

2014 PLC - Ken Blackwell

  1. Hebrew 12 verse 1 – cloud of witnesses watching how we run the race
  2. Psalms 11 verse 3 if the foundations are being destroyed
  3. John 3, those who would like to do evil love the darkness

Our country has come through great challenges before, the question is will we rise up now when once again American is being challenged. Do we have the will. In this democracy it means willing elections.


2014 PLC – Kumbaya: Working Together

2014 PLC - Kumbaya working together

Kumbaya – Working Together

Brief Notes from PLC –

Gene Barr, PA Chamber of Commerce – look at past history and where we are today and how we can use it. Thank you to veterans. Book, An Army at Dawn – about World War II and the beginnings; book is the story of the North African campaign. This group did not like that group that group did not like the other group; but they all had a common goal and came together to share the common goal which was the goal. We share the common goal; stop leaving our grandkids with a mound of debt.

Stephen Bloom, State Rep – system was designed by founders to be a complex; checks and balances. Controversy is a feature of the system and should be expected. To get things done you need to get a seat at the table. After elected you need credibility to keep a seat which comes from citizen activists. Present good ideas in a message that is crafted in a way that people identify with and can connect with.

Michael Geer, PA Family Institute -founded PA family institute by coming together and working towards a common goal. Formed about the same time PLC was founded. Group comes together – St Paul in letter to Corinthians chapter 12 body does not consist of one member but many. Eye can not say to the body, I have no need for you. We need to recognize and come together.

Robert Gleason, PA GOP Chairman – Gleason and party does not govern. Try to promote the party platform and if you have not read it, you need to. Written every other four years and is a wonderful document. He always reminds those elected of the party platform when he can.

Anastasia Przybylski, Freedom Works – humility and respect. A lot of people woke up five years ago and realized they needed to be involved. People in party structure did not accept us with open arms but now realize we are not going away.  The republican party and Tea Party need to recognize one thing, the republican party needs the tea party and the tea party needs the republican party.  When people want to run for state or county committee they are me with opposition. Republican Party needs to see there are new people and new energies and realize they need to change with times and need less resistance.

Diana Reimber, Tea Party Patriots – All come together for a commone cause, out of control spending and a tax and spend government. Believe in fiscal responsibility, constitutional rights, right to grow job.  The Tea Party Patriots support principles over party. 501C4, does not endorse. Recently formed a pac to support candidates.  When ask if the tea party going away – absolutely not. Used to see people waving signs, now you see people going to meeting and running for office.

2014 PLC Freedom Breakfast

John Gizzi, NewsMax was up bright and early to begin PLC with breakfast.  He reminded us that we need to work hard to get the right people elected.

2014 PLC - Gizzi

Matthew Brouillette, from the Commonwealth Foundation addressed the group.  In Pennsylvania we have control of the legislature, but it is like  trying to move a battle ship against the current of the ocean.
When speaking on paycheck protections he stated unions use not only tax payers money to collect their dues, but their campaign contributions. What is the difference between a legislative employee doing campaign work out of legislative office? Or our tax money collecting union dues from paychecks to be used for lobbying elected officials?

The question was asked, how can we get good republicans elected when the republican establishment eat their young?  Matt reminded us of Scott Wagner, who is the first senate candidate to ever  win a write-in candidate. It can be done.



2014 Liberty Dinner at PLC with Jonah Goldberg

Those in attendance at 2014 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference had an enjoyable evening with Jonah Goldberg.  A bestselling author and widely syndicated columnist, Jonah Goldberg is one of the most prominent political commentators in America today. A Fox News contributor and regular “Fox News All Star” on Special Report with Bret Baier, is known for blending humor and insight on the pressing issues of the day.

2014 PLC - Jonah Goldberg