Ask a Horse – Family Values Are Key


PI2013 #732 – Family Values Are Key




“As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” ~  John Paul II


Tuesday,November 12th, 2013


 Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $149,456, every citizen $54,060.


“Break up the institution of the family, deny the inviolability of its relations, and in a little while there would not be any humanity.” ~  E. H. Chapin



Families Are America’s Building Blocks; America will stand strong when Her families are strong, crumble when families crumble.  People assimilate their values, good and bad, from family experiences.  Enduring nations are characterized by strong families.



Absent Family Ties, People learn character and confidence by other means.  Families are our first and foremost examples of how we recognize how we are to find our way successfully as society members.  Families teach us individual strength to stand by our beliefs, lest outsiders would entice us to set those beliefs aside.



Diversity Has Forced Departure from traditional family concept definition and example.  “We, the American People” need to be on guard to assure this departure does not distort or erode principles of Liberty imbedded in family values.



“There is one class of men who . . . have taken a keen and practical interest in the constitution of the Family, . . . Statesmen. They have realized how intimately the welfare of the State depends upon the influence and nature of the Families . . . and they have endeavored that the State in turn should mould and influence the Family to its own purposes.” ~  Helen Wendy Bosanquet


 People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to authorize  public (‘government’/”State”) schools to delve into their children’s attitudes, values, or beliefs.  They raise their children to be independent, self-reliant, and to think for themselves.



Let Freedom Ring




It’s your property, not “State” property.



Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey


ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook,, and; they are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.





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Ask a Horse – Effect Of Decentralized Power

PI2013 #581 – Effect Of Decentralized Power


“Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal”  ~ Janet Reno


September 11th, 2013

Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $148,148, every citizen $53,483.

“I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.” ~ Barack Obama

Two Personal Firearm Rectriction advocates have been recalled from Colorado’s State Senate.  Both rationalized their recalls as not reflecting ‘overwhelming’ numbers of Coloradans favoring expanded personal firearm restrictions.  Constituents voted differently.

“If someone is so fearful that, that they’re going to start using their weapons to protect their rights, makes me very nervous that these people have weapons at all!” ~ Representative Henry A. Waxman (courtesy an AAH reader)

We, the American People would be extraordinarily naivé to believe personal firearm restriction advocates would be satisfied with ‘common sense’ controls like increased background checks or ammunition capacity limits.

Decentralized Power Fortifies Liberty’s promise.  Despotism and tyranny thrive on centralized power and legal control over many by a select few.  Centralized power has its roots in oppressive law written to grant maximum authority to public officials, minimum to ordinary people.

“Democracy is defended in 3 stages.  Ballot Box, Jury Box, Cartridge Box.” ~  Ambrose Bierce

Liberty Is Self-Determination.  Self-determination is forever at risk when ‘government’ (“The State”) has power to restrict means of self-defense available to ordinary people while arming law enforcement with firepower deemed appropriate or necessary.

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to interfere in business matters between private citizens in any way so long as those dealings are free of fraudulent behavior by all parties and do not encourage threats to national security by foreign powers or known enemies of the United States of America. They negotiate business matters on their own.

Let Freedom Ring


It’s your property, not “State” property.

Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey

ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook,, and; they are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.

Ask a Horse . . . . It Doesn’t Add Up

PI2013 #541 – It Doesn’t Add Up


“The State did not own men so entirely, even when it could send them to the stake, as it sometimes does now where it can send them to the elementary school.”  ~   G.K. Chesterton


August 20th, 2013

Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $148,085, every citizen $53,424.

Education’ Has A Singular purpose – to control behavior.  Political candidates, public officials, elitists — anyone who seeks to control (or predict) people’s behavior knows this.  Few, if any, legislators or ‘government’ (“State”) chief executives or legislators have higher priorities than ‘education’ control.

“Every generation of school-age children has imprinted upon it a politically correct ideology concerning America’s past and the sanctity of the role of the state in society.” ~  Richard Eberling

News Media Are Airing critiques of an ‘educational’ initiative called “Common Core,” an initiative aimed at establishing learning goals for students through grade twelve.  One critique includes a classroom setting clip where competency evaluation would give credit to students concluding 4 x 3 = 11, provided students could rationalize their answers.

Glenn Beck’s Show, Today, delivered a scathing assessment of Common Core, saying parents would be unable to help students because Common Core concepts are not consistent with typical learning processes or outcomes.

“Education does not mean teaching people to know what they do not know; it means teaching them to behave as they do not behave.” ~  John Ruskin

Education” Enables People To control their behavior, be competent, successful, self-reliant.  “We, the American People” should not allow instructional methods or goals where informational inaccuracy is acceptable.

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to prohibit or restrict private ownership of firearms and ammunition from any citizen of good repute and responsible standing. They hold fast their ability to ward off would-be tyranny.

Let Freedom Ring


It’s your property, not “State” property.

Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey

ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook,, and; they are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.


Ask A Horse – It’s Impossible to Know

PI2013 #337 – It’s Impossible To Know


Bad politicians are sent to Washington by people who don’t vote.” ~  William E. Simon


May 7th, 2013

Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $148,318, every citizen $53,323.

“If voting changed anything, they’d abolish it.” ~  Ken Livingstone

Election 2014 Will Be Here before we know it.  Campaigning already abounds.  “We, the American People” can’t possibly know how Election 2014 winners will set their sights on bettering America.  We can’t unless we stophoping election winners will stand by their promises and, instead, force them to live by their word.

“Every citizen of this country should be guaranteed that their vote matters, that their vote is counted, and in the voting booth their vote has as much weight as that of any CEO, any member of Congress, or any President.” ~   Barbara Boxer

 ‘Representative’ Government Means Nothing when elected ‘representatives’ ignore their constituents’ will and do (vote) as they please.  Elected ‘representatives’ work for voters, not vice versa.

“It is a sign of the times that the absence of meaningful ID requirements in many states leaves our voting process vulnerable to fraud and allows legal votes to be cancelled out by illegally cast ballots.’ ~  Virgil Goode

Americans Can Stop Deceptive Candidates from voting against constituent will.  See methodology.  Make elected ‘representatives’ live by their word.

“Voters quickly forget what a man says.” ~  Richard M. Nixon

“If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else’s expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves.” ~  Thomas Sole

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to remain in office if they break their word to their constituents.  They remove violators from office summarily.


Let Freedom Ring


It’s your property, not “State” property.

Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey

ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook,, and; they are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.


Background Investigation… Permission Denied

PI2013 #198 – Background Investigation… Permission Denied


“Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal” ~ Janet Reno


March 16th, 2013

Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $147,455, every citizen $52,918.


“I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.” ~ Barack Obama

Background Investigations Would Be a more than convenient tool for denying ‘suspicious people’ personal firearm ownership.  ‘Government’ (“State”) officials need only lace investigation criteria with caveats deemed sufficiently threatening to stop people from buying guns.

“If someone is so fearful that, that they’re going to start using their weapons to protect their rights, makes me very nervous that these people have weapons at all!”  ~ Representative Henry A. Waxman (courtesy an AAH reader)

Background Investigation Criteria Can’t be expected to favor gun buyer applicants.  Background investigations, by their very nature, would be designed to prohibit, not promote gun ownership.  People on record opposing “State” policies could be deemed ‘dangerous.’


“Arms are the only true badge of liberty.” ~  Andrew Fletcher

Background Investigation Information, Regardless how public officials would promise otherwise, could never be guaranteed private.  Once a matter of record, always a matter of record, no matter how public officials would promise post-purchase purging.

“If we make enough laws, we can all be criminals.” ~  Jeff Snyder

Background Investigations Would Be tantamount to registration.  Registration makes confiscation easier.  Gun control zealots are intent on control, vis-à-vis confiscation… namely, ownership obliteration.

“If you don’t have a gun, freedom of speech has no power.” ~  Yoshimi Ishikawa

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to prohibit or restrict private ownership of firearms and ammunition from any citizen of good repute and responsible standing. They preserve their heritage to protect themselves from crime and tyranny.

Let Freedom Ring


— It’s your property, not “State” property.

Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey

ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook,, and; they are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.

No Bullets, No Guns ~ Ask A Horse PI2013 #023

PI2013 #023 – No Bullets, No Guns


“After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it.”

~  William Burroughs 


January 9th, 2013

Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $142,935, every citizen $52,184.

“25 States allow anyone to buy a gun, strap it on, and walk down the street with no permit of any kind: some say it’s crazy. However, 4 out of 5 US murders are committed in the other half of the country: so who is crazy?” ~  Andrew Ford 

Gun Control Advocates Lost no time using Newtown-Sandy Hook tragedy to call for more restrictive ownership measures.  Some contend ammunition/magazine limits, not restricting possession, is how to stop such incidents.

“Gun bans don’t disarm criminals, gun bans attract them.” ~  Walter Mondale

No Or Precious Few bullets is tantamount to no guns.  Tiananmen Square’s “Tank Man” would not likely have been a martyr had he, too, been driving a tank.

“Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest.”~  Mahatma Gandhi

Never Accept 2nd Amendment Dilution or banishment.  “State” permission is not required for self-defense.  “The State” may not deny people self-defense, either by means or degree; to do so is calculated tyranny.
“The usual road to slavery is that first they take away your guns, then they take away your property, then last of all they tell you to shut up and say you are enjoying it.” ~  James A. Donald 

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to prohibit or restrict private ownership of firearms and ammunition from any citizen of good repute and responsible standing. They preserve their heritage to protect themselves from crime and tyranny.

Let Freedom Ring


— It’s your property, not “State” property.

Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey

ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook and are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.

“We believe that to err is human. To blame it on some else is politics.” ~ Hubert H. Humphrey

PI2012 #688 – Bogged In Partisan Bickering


“He who excuses himself accuses himself.” ~  Gabriel Meurier


December 1st, 2012

Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $142,018, every citizen $51,783.

“A bad workman always blames his tools” ~  Proverb

President Re-Elect Obama, Campaigning at a Pennsylvania toy factory, told workers Americans would see their taxes go up by an average of $2,200 if Congress doesn’t act.  Mr. Obama could avoid tax hikes by demanding no Americans have their taxes raised.

“A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame someone else.”  ~  John Burroughs

Instead, Mr. Obama Demands America’s wealthiest have their taxes raised and accuses Congress of working against him.  Mr. Obama, by his action, is holding America’s middle class hostage while he blames others.  His obsession with raising taxes on America’s wealthiest is juvenile.

“We believe that to err is human.  To blame it on some else is politics.” ~  Hubert H. Humphrey

Mr. Obama Scolds Congress for getting engaged in partisan bickering and calls on Americans to scold Congress likewise.  Americans would have to look far and wide to find someone more disposed toward partisanship than Mr. Obama.

“You take your life in your own hands, and what happens?  A terrible thing: no one to blame.” ~  Erica Jong

Americans Would Do Well to send their e-mails and make their phone calls to 1600 Pennsylvania telling President Obama to stop engaging in partisan bickering.  Their voices would, no doubt, fall on deaf ears.  Mr. Obama is already blaming them through their elected officials.

“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own.” ~  Albert Ellis

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to subsidize private enterprise with public money.  They uphold free markets.

Let Freedom Ring


— It’s your property, not “State,” property.

Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey

ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook and are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.



Don’t Give Up Anything

PI2012 #689 – Don’t Give Up Anything


“Either you be or you don’t be.” ~  Golda Meir


December 2nd, 2012

Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $142,038, every citizen $51,792.

“You’ve got to start making the compromises that arrive at a consensus and move the country forward.”  Colin Powell

People Are Free To write “The State” checks for as much money as they please.  Americans who wish can donate as much of their property as they choose to “The State.”  Let President Obama call for wealthy Americans to voluntarily donate.  See what happens.

“Compromise is but the sacrifice of one right or good in the hope of retaining another – too often ending in the loss of both.” ~  Tryon Edwards

Pontification Over Fiscal (Deficit) cliff posturing includes varied ideas about what republicans must give up to get a ‘compromise.’  Congressional republicans, if they are to remain true to their constituents, should give up nothing.

“Compromise:  An agreement between two men to do what both agree is wrong.” ~  Lord Edward Cecil

Presuming Some Americans Have to surrender more of their property to avoid America’s fiscal (deficit) cliff is misguided thinking.  More likely, it is rhetoric from tax hike advocates.  Americans are loath to saunter up to ultimatums.

“Courage, not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval.” ~  Thomas S. Monson

Ultimatums, If Ultimatums Are to be, should come from sovereign self-governing Americans who have reached their boiling points over selective, arbitrary, and discriminatory legislation, taxation, and regulation.  Fiscal (deficit) cliffs would be no more.

“From the beginning of our history the country has been afflicted with compromise.  It is by compromise that human rights have been abandoned.” ~  Charles Sumner

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to subsidize private enterprise with public money.  They uphold free markets.

Let Freedom Ring


— It’s your property, not “State,” property.

Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey

ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook and are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.

Our Country, Our Fix

PI2012 #615 – Our Country, Our Fix


“Do not be bullied out of your common sense by the specialist; two to one, he is a pedant.” ~  Oliver Wendell Holmes


November 10th, 2012

Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $141,677, every citizen $51,621

“Inflation is like sin; every government denounces it and every government practices it.” ~  Frederick Leith-Ross 

Optimists Know Where There’s horse manure, ponies are close by.  Pessimists hold their noses and look for manure-free pastures… where there are no ponies.  One would think, listening to media pundits, “Republicans” are breathing their last.  More than are few are acting as though they are.

“Liberty has always come from the subjects of it.” ~  Woodrow Wilson 

Presidential Election 2012 Was decided by under three points.  Three.  Third Parties captured a few points.  Had “Republicans” been effective communicators, Obama supporters would be crying and predicting ruin for fairness and charitable living.  No fault in losing, only in quitting.

“A few hanging together can lead a nation to change.” ~  Wynton Marsalis 

Free Market, Fiscal Responsibility, and Limited Government advocates have two choices.  Prove these three are more viable than ‘government’/”State” paternalism and grow ranks, or, hope Elections 2014 and 2016 will usher forth “Republican” deliverers.

“There can be no liberty unless there is economic liberty.” ~  Margaret Thatcher 

Elections Don’t Deliver Liberty.  People determined to live in uncompromising Liberty fortify their lives around principles of Liberty and demonstrate Liberty’s advantages over those of despots and tyrants.  Nothing else need be done for people to be free.

“The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.” ~  Stanley Milgram 

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to enter into contracts with collective bargaining units. They prohibit ‘government’ (“The State”) from negotiating away their property.

Let Freedom Ring


— It’s your property, not “State,” property.

Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey 

ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook and are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.

Ordered My Jaguar. You?

PI2012 #619 – Ordered My Jaguar.  You?


How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words!

~  Samuel Adams

Sunday, November 11th, 2012

Liberty Lovers, Every American Taxpayer Now “Owes” “The (federal) State” $141,693, every citizen $51,628

John Stossell Asked Post Election 2012 voters how Election 2012 would affect freedom? One said “the people” would have “a seat at the table.”  Others uttered wordless jubilation.  Doesn’t everyone have “a seat at the table” since Election 2008?

I Didn’t Wait For Stossell’s post Election 2012 interviews.  I ordered my Jaguar after President Obama told a Florida woman he would have his staff look into her car problem.  No Jaguar yet; it’s only been a bit over three years.

“I give you bitter pills in sugar coating. The pills are harmless: the poison is in the sugar.” ~   Stanislaw Lee 

Stossell Said His Post Election 2012 interviews with voters who cast ballots for winners expected more free stuff following Election 2012.  I find I get less stuff since Election 2008, particularly stuff I buy.  Hope I like my Jaguar.

“Of all the means to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery.  The hankering of the mind is irresistible.” ~  Adam Weishaupt 

My Jaguar Arrival Delay is, I expect, due a billing address error.  I instructed my Jaguar dealer to bill President, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  My dealer tells me bills are returned – no forwarding address.  I expect they should go to:  American Taxpayer, Main Street, USA.

“The trouble with you Americans is that you are still under the influence of that second rate – shall I say third rate? – mind, Karl Marx ~  H. G. Wells 

People Intending To Live In Liberty do not allow legislators – or other public officials within These United States of America, to interfere in health matters between private citizens and their physicians. They hold government at its Constitutional arm’s length.

Let Freedom Ring


— It’s your property, not “State,” property.

Best Wishes,

Len Ritchey

ASK A HORSE commentaries are on Facebook and are considered public domain information. Readers are welcome to use commentaries as they like. Please advise if you do not wish to receive future ASK A HORSE commentaries.