Mifflin County Young Republicans Dinner/Meeting/Social

The Mifflin County Young Republicans are kicking off the 2011 year of events with a Dinner, Short Meeting, and Ice Skating Social on Saturday, February 26th.

Dinner and the Meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at the Downtown OIP & Grille on Market Street in Lewistown and should last until about 7 p.m. They  will then be car pooling to State College to go Ice Skating at 8 p.m. at the Penn State Ice Pavilion.

This is a “bring a friend” event, so please ask a friend to come with you. It doesn’t matter if you or your friend isn’t hardcore into politics, or if you haven’t done much in politics before, this is a perfect time to meet some Young Republicans and see what we do in Mifflin County.

If you have any questions, email mcolussy@gmail.com or via phone at (717) 994-1474. Thanks!