NFRW annouces speakers at 2013 Convention


 Nancy Bocskor, trainer, consultant, professor and author of “Go Fish: How to Catch and (Keep) Contributors” [WEB SITE]
Event: NFRW Leadership School and Educational Seminar, “How to Ask for Money, Even if You Hate To”

 Elaine Chao, former Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor [WEB SITE]
Event: Saturday Luncheon, Keynote Address

 Dr. Timothy Daughtry, former clinical psychologist, Chairman and CEO of Concord Bridge Consulting, and co-author of “Waking the Sleeping Giant: How Mainstream Americans Can Beat Liberals at Their Own Game”
Event: Saturday General Session

 Sharon Day, Co-Chairman, Republican National Committee [WEB SITE]
Event: Saturday General Session, Opening Address

 Stephen Fong, National Field Director for Asian Pacific-American initiatives, Republican National Committee
Event: Educational Seminar, “Demographic Partners and Earning Support”

 Jerri Ann Henry, digital account lead, Widmeyer Communications [WEB SITE]
Event: Educational Seminar, “Using Social Media to Engage and Persuade Voters”

 Karen Johnson, former Assistant Secretary of Education for Legislation and Congressional Affairs [WEB SITE]
Event: NFRW Leadership School

 Jennifer Korn, Deputy Political Director and National Field Director for Hispanic initiatives, Republican National Committee
Event: Educational Seminar, “Demographic Partners and Earning Support”

 Annie Lewis
Event: Educational Seminar, “Using Social Media to Engage and Persuade Voters”

 Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senate Republican Leader, Kentucky [WEB SITE]
Event: Saturday General Session

 Kristal Quarker-Hartsfield, National Field Director for African-American initiatives, Republican National Committee
Event: Educational Seminar, “Demographic Partners and Earning Support”

 Deb Sofield, speaker, coach and author of “Speak Without Fear” [WEB SITE]
Event: NFRW Leadership School

 Kay VanSant, Chairman, NFRW Leadership Development Committee
Event: Educational Seminar, “Federation Leadership Challenges and How to Face Them”

 Rick Wiley, former Political Director, Republican National Committee [WEB SITE]
Event: Educational Seminar, “Devising a Winning Strategy for the 2014 Midterm Elections”


 Ted Cruz, U.S. Senator, Texas [WEB SITE]

 Rand Paul, U.S. Senator, Kentucky [WEB SITE]

 Marco Rubio, U.S. Senator, Florida [WEB SITE]

 Nikki Haley, Governor, South Carolina [WEB SITE]

 Louie Gohmert, Congressman, Texas [WEB SITE]